Embracing Transgender Communication

Pronouns. America’s been buzzing about ’em since Caitlyn Jenner debuted on the July cover of Vanity Fair. Before her transition, Jenner told ABC’s Diane Sawyer to continue to call him (then, Bruce) “him.” So what’s in a name? My neighbor is mid-transition and we call her Hannah now, not Aaron. Another New Yorker I know…

Stop Shaming Partners of Trans People

By Thomas Matt | August 4th, 2015   Love wins, right? That is the victory cry of the marriage equality ruling. But please excuse the bitterness of those of us who know that, for now, that is not true. As a cisgender man who is attracted to trans women, I would like to know when…

An All-Transgender Modeling Agency Is Coming To Los Angeles

By Jamie Feldman | July 28th, 2015 Transgender supermodel Andreja Pejic may soon be getting a whole modeling agency’s worth of competition. Thailand’s leading Apple Model Management announced it will open an all-transgender modeling agency in Los Angeles this summer. Filmmaker Cecilio Asuncion, whose 2012 documentary “What’s The T?” followed the lives of five transgender women, will head up the…