Unprecedented $20 Million Announced for Transgender Causes

By: Dominic Holden Two foundations pledged Tuesday to contribute $20 million over five years to organizations in the transgender movement, officials told BuzzFeed News, an unparalleled philanthropic donation to improve quality of life for transgender people around the world. The dispersement could be a transformational windfall for groups with causes recently enjoying increased visibility —…

Venezuela Elects First Transgender Congresswoman in the Americas

By: Juan Pedro Camaro In the wake of the historical outcome of yesterday’s parliamentary elections in Venezuela, which marks the first departure from Hugo Chavez’s revolution in 17 years, transgender woman Tamara Adrian secured a seat as a member of the National Assembly. “Yesterday, Venezuela demolished its own Berlin Wall,” Adrian tells Out. Her candidacy…

There’s Finally Period Underwear for Transgender Guys

Because some men have periods too by Lane Moore ​THINX underwear has now included a more gender-neutral version in their line of period underwear after many transgender men had asked for just that, Mashable reports. The period underwear brand, which originally launched two years ago, had come under fire for their initial tagline, “Underwear for…